Digital identity is our footprint on the web, it always with us. As Eric Stroller said everything one decides to do/show online is their digital identity forever. I had the opportunity to think and consider my digital identity.  The content I share on my personal social media accounts such as Instagram & Facebook widely differs from the content I share on my LinkedIn profile. The above is true because of the audience that views the content, and the context in which it is being viewed. I would want my future employer to know my past job/academic experiences, but I would not want them to know about the trip I took with my partner last weekend. This blog post is now going to be a part of my digital identity, and I have no control over context in which this post is going to be read/viewed. We cannot control data to achieve privacy (Boyd, 2012), that is why I believe that understanding one’s digital identity has become so important more than ever.

As Nicholas Fair says, we are in the centre of our own personal learning network. Knowledge and learning today is limitless, you can never know everything about anything.  I believe the right approach to learning has to wholistic, classrooms and university lectures can only teach so much. I recently finished my first co-op term, and I can confidently say that I learnt more while working than in my first three years of university. I built connections, and formed my own network with the people I want to follow and emulate in the future. Personal Learning Networks help us connect and stay updated on the information we want to learn. COVID-19 made me realise that it is so easy to form networks and have a digitalised form of learning and communication. It also made me realise that how I present myself online is how people view, people I might have never met.


Stoller, Eric – What is Digital Identity? (2016, November 25). YouTube.

What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)? FutureLearn.

Boyd, D. 2012. Networked Privacy.Surveillance& Society10(3/4): 348-350.